MC Trevor

CMS based on Sir Trevor JS.

The main goal is to create a CMS that stores its data in flat JSON files and renders to static HTML.

Get started

The only global dependency is npm, the rest is managed locally.

$ npm install
$ npm run bower

Gulp is used to build our application files:

$ npm run build

To continuously watch and rebuild the files, use:

$ npm run build

To start the node server and open the management interface in a browser:

$ npm start
$ open http://localhost:1337/


  • Add any kind of frontend rendering!
    • Create Handlebar helpers to display arbitrary blocks of Sir Trevor data
  • Add security measures when writing files
  • Use a version control system to manage content history
    • E.g. by managing frontend/data/ as git repo using node bindings for libgit2
    • Easily preview a set of content changes, generate a staging system from any revision
  • Separate frontend/ from the other parts of this repo (and add config file) to handle multiple frontends/sites by just specifying a path to the frontend directory
