What the heck is Oxidation anyway?

A deep dive into Rust – a talk for Facebook Developer Circle Ruhr

Pascal Hertleif


Hi, I’m not Jan-Erik

Hi, I’m Pascal Hertleif

And who are you?

Rust is empowering

Here is what Rust gives you

the ability write fast and correct programs with confidence

  • Memory safety without garbage collection
  • Concurrency without data races
  • Zero-cost abstractions
  • endless supply of fancy buzzwords

Rust is

  • a compiled language
  • a very strongly statically typed language
  • production-ready
  • an amazing open source project
  • not just iron oxide but also a fungus

Build high-quality software

  • Local reasoning
    • e.g.: Making mutations visible
  • Clear interfaces and name-spacing
  • Dare to write “risky” code – the compiler has your back

Build low-level software

  • No garbage collector
  • C-level performance
  • Compiler ensures memory safety

Rust use cases

  • ripgrep
  • Mercurial (hg)
  • Firefox

Ownership and Borrowing

Take ownership

Borrow a reference

Borrow a mutable reference


What does Rust feel like

Rust walks a razor’s edge of “overly explicit and annoying” and “overly terse and confusion”.

How well it succeeds at that is subjective.

Quxxy on /r/rust


Type Systems are great


A lot of smart people work on Rust

And they want you to feel smart, too!


Any questions?

Visit rust-lang.org

I am Pascal – @killercup

Slides available at git.io/rust-fb-dev-circle